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MainSelection: 2022

MainSelection: 2022
CategorySelection: Holdem 9 to 10 Players Super Turbo

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Super Turbo - $36-$100 - Ganancia
Posición Jugador País Red Ganancia
1 bbruins13 WPN 413.0
2 princ pensii WPN 346.0
3 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 290.0
4 osikIwin WPN 256.0
5 Viroforti WPN 169.0
6 Grindan1 WPN 121.0
7 BabyBowser WPN 55.0
8 Rope-a-Dope WPN 38.0
9 djumanji8 WPN 17.0

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Super Turbo - $36-$100 - Cuenta
Posición Jugador País Red Cuenta
1 bbruins13 WPN 18.0
2 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 10.0
3 Viroforti WPN 8.0
3 Maz11 WPN 8.0
5 WilliamHBonney WPN 5.0
5 BabyBowser WPN 5.0
7 Candy1and WPN 4.0
7 djumanji8 WPN 4.0
9 WeakPPLuseHUDS WPN 3.0
9 zotyi91 WPN 3.0
11 osikIwin WPN 2.0
11 icecoldriva WPN 2.0
11 DarthSpewer WPN 2.0
11 princ pensii WPN 2.0
11 SkRuDg1 WPN 2.0
11 Grindan1 WPN 2.0
17 slayerv1fan WPN 1.0
17 Verenhimoinen WPN 1.0
17 KOpect8 WPN 1.0
17 Rope-a-Dope WPN 1.0
17 doemaker WPN 1.0
17 BicepBabe69 WPN 1.0
17 navrot WPN 1.0
17 5HTP WPN 1.0
17 DreDay921 WPN 1.0
17 gordonbombay32 WPN 1.0