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MainSelection: 2025

MainSelection: 2025
CategorySelection: Rush And Zoom

2025 - Rush And Zoom - $16-$35 - Prom. ganancia mejor racha (500)
Posición Jugador País Red Prom. ganancia mejor racha (500)

2025 - Rush And Zoom - $16-$35 - Prom. ganancia mejor racha (100)
Posición Jugador País Red Prom. ganancia mejor racha (100)
1 Mister1Pink PokerStars 68.01
2 dim_dim1975 PokerStars 58.85
3 artemtookay PokerStars 54.03
4 otecDominic PokerStars 49.1
5 victhereaper99 PokerStars 42.9
6 joakimpwk PokerStars 42.0
7 MeryjanePL PokerStars 38.59
8 bruceleeironman PokerStars 36.43
9 Ruslan Pro13 PokerStars 34.79
10 ZamoS89 PokerStars 34.62
11 wtfkind PokerStars 32.98
12 Duffy_Duckk PokerStars 32.33
13 BurningKid PokerStars 31.25
14 ZimbabweSouL PokerStars 28.94
15 jeff_bluf536 PokerStars 28.92
16 Modrzew PokerStars 28.83
17 pups803 PokerStars 28.5
18 jajosilesia PokerStars 27.44
19 SiTNiK32167 PokerStars 26.57
20 Petr0star PokerStars 26.41

2025 - Rush And Zoom - $16-$35 - Ganancia
Posición Jugador País Red Ganancia
1 Mister1Pink PokerStars 8112.0
2 bruceleeironman PokerStars 6517.0
3 artemtookay PokerStars 6376.0
4 dim_dim1975 PokerStars 6018.0
5 wtfkind PokerStars 4921.0
6 pups803 PokerStars 4762.0
7 otecDominic PokerStars 4605.0
8 ZamoS89 PokerStars 4548.0
9 hohol2007 PokerStars 4327.0
10 victhereaper99 PokerStars 3971.0
11 joakimpwk PokerStars 3763.0
12 MeryjanePL PokerStars 3710.0
13 Ariality PokerStars 3285.0
14 Ruslan Pro13 PokerStars 3239.0
15 QuakieMan PokerStars 3208.0
16 sshotokann PokerStars 3092.0
17 Duffy_Duckk PokerStars 3053.0
18 BurningKid PokerStars 2987.0
19 jeff_bluf536 PokerStars 2909.0
20 stocken08 PokerStars 2908.0

2025 - Rush And Zoom - $16-$35 - Cuenta
Posición Jugador País Red Cuenta
1 mmishan PokerStars 381.0
2 panzram79 PokerStars 289.0
3 deginerez PokerStars 288.0
4 bart7890 PokerStars 269.0
5 bruceleeironman PokerStars 267.0
6 arek11 PokerStars 258.0
7 pups803 PokerStars 255.0
8 MeryjanePL PokerStars 247.0
9 Tipurion PokerStars 244.0
10 Boungie Deff PokerStars 234.0
11 jajosilesia PokerStars 205.0
12 SiTNiK32167 PokerStars 199.0
12 artemtookay PokerStars 199.0
14 FSamf0519 PokerStars 188.0
15 victhereaper99 PokerStars 187.0
16 alexdaas PokerStars 186.0
17 ZamoS89 PokerStars 185.0
17 dim_dim1975 PokerStars 185.0
19 wtfkind PokerStars 184.0
20 jeff_bluf536 PokerStars 182.0