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MainSelection: 2013

MainSelection: 2013
CategorySelection: Stud 5 to 8 Players

2013 - Stud 5 to 8 Players - Any Stakes - Prom. ganancia mejor racha (500)
Posición Jugador País Red Prom. ganancia mejor racha (500)
1 kieblerstacy PokerStars.it 0.18

2013 - Stud 5 to 8 Players - Any Stakes - Prom. ganancia mejor racha (100)
Posición Jugador País Red Prom. ganancia mejor racha (100)
1 fillkill123 PokerStars 2.25
2 limpupus PokerStars 1.74
3 frogey28 Merge 1.14
4 Antiheroe100 PokerStars 0.85
5 D33p Purpl3 PokerStars 0.69
6 kieblerstacy PokerStars.it 0.34
7 drobysh PokerStars 0.27
8 KlgAborigen PokerStars 0.15
9 Makewu PokerStars.it 0.05
10 limonetto3 PokerStars.it 0.02

2013 - Stud 5 to 8 Players - Any Stakes - Ganancia
Posición Jugador País Red Ganancia
1 ozenc PokerStars 769.0
2 AJSuited16 PokerStars 323.0
3 mddgfc PokerStars 265.0
4 Ponga80 PokerStars 168.0
5 limpupus PokerStars 166.0
6 RaSSiNa PokerStars.it 138.0
7 MattyDaCobra PokerStars 134.0
8 mischal PokerStars 130.0
9 Antiheroe100 PokerStars 107.0
10 Adamyid PokerStars 101.0
11 fillkill123 PokerStars 90.0
12 kieblerstacy PokerStars.it 88.0
13 Ilyash PokerStars 85.0
14 D33p Purpl3 PokerStars 79.0
15 Ac3dXXX Merge 78.0
16 fo0xmuricy PokerStars 61.0
17 AceQuad PokerStars 58.0
18 bapebapebape PokerStars 42.0
19 21midniGht21 PokerStars 38.0
20 SenatorJawspoker Merge 36.0

2013 - Stud 5 to 8 Players - Any Stakes - Cuenta
Posición Jugador País Red Cuenta
1 kieblerstacy PokerStars.it 529.0
2 frogey28 Merge 347.0
3 Makewu PokerStars.it 311.0
4 evening-wind PokerStars.it 310.0
5 D33p Purpl3 PokerStars 299.0
6 fillkill123 PokerStars 268.0
7 limpupus PokerStars 173.0
8 EXIPLCASA PokerStars.it 167.0
9 feggy81 PokerStars.it 162.0
10 occhidiluna PokerStars.it 160.0
11 Antiheroe100 PokerStars 151.0
12 KlgAborigen PokerStars 142.0
13 limonetto3 PokerStars.it 128.0
14 drobysh PokerStars 109.0
15 tiromancino6 PokerStars.it 90.0
15 SHOMDE10 PokerStars 90.0
15 quarltje PokerStars 90.0
18 MattyDaCobra PokerStars 87.0
19 Adamyid PokerStars 83.0
20 RusianWinter PokerStars 81.0