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MainSelection: 2009

MainSelection: 2009
CategorySelection: Omaha Hi 5 to 10 Players

2009 - Omaha Hi 5 to 10 Players - $5.01-$15 - Ganancia
Posición Jugador País Red Ganancia
1 Howling Moon PokerStars 7988.0
2 IEatDrBobs PokerStars 3710.0
3 afragola iPoker.it 3651.0
4 MinkiaPazza GiocoDigitale (Closed) 2720.0
5 luis_enrique16 FullTilt (Closed) 2287.0
6 D33p Purpl3 PokerStars 2254.0
7 f_song PokerStars 2236.0
8 mustbetilt PokerStars 2207.0
9 mzporange PokerStars 2090.0
10 rambo iPoker.it 2048.0
11 Michail13 FullTilt (Closed) 1964.0
12 YellowPecora FullTilt (Closed) 1858.0
13 EvalEvan66 FullTilt (Closed) 1680.0
14 SEAMAN23 iPoker.it 1456.0
15 gnasher8 Betfair (Closed) 1421.0
16 mszakal FullTilt (Closed) 1373.0
17 doctavius Revolution 1304.0
18 watermelon iPoker.it 1283.0
19 poutch iPoker.it 1199.0
20 jennybloggs PKR 1139.0